I'm writing this as we wind our way through the green of the Irish countryside?
Irish music is playing quietly over the speakers and the conversation has hushed. The green fields contained by dry stone walls are hosts to millions of buttercups, each bloom turning its brilliant face to the sun.
Hawthorne trees in bloom fringe the road and they are so narrow that you hope like heck that nothing is coming around the corner.... Because you sure cant see, even with the height of the bus.
In a flash, the much awaited quilt show in Galway Ireland is over and I stake my reputation on making a statement that this will become one of the best quilt shows in Ireland in the years to come.
Jim and his team worked tirelessly to make the experience an enjoyable one for all who attended. The quilts were extraordinary and grouping them in theme with props and music to capture the ambiance is a wonderful innovation.
There was music, smiles, sun and a sense of well being throughout the entire event.
Classes went smoothly and were well attended with Sue Bouchard attending to the every need of the tutors.
Well done team.
Now the other part of the tour has begun and a fleet of buses are now traveling the country which will show off its finest. Everything has been outstanding.