Well, it's been hectic, but I finally got back to the portrait.
The first thing I did was to color the edges of the purple fabric with a purple Tsukineko pen.
I mentioned in a previous post that I try not to use fabric that is white on the back. I prefer to use fabric that is printed right through.
The purple was the only fabric I had in my stash, however, I had a white halo around the edges when I cut it into shape. The pen solved the problem.
Next I needed to do the beaded headband. In the top photo you can see that it is in just the bare appliqué stage. Then when it is illustrated.....drappliqued, it changes completely.
I used a sand colored pen to illustrate the details on the beads and then I used the black pen to finish it.... now it blends beautifully.
I added white to her eyes and illustrated her ear rings....
Next, I need to do the dress arms....
oh, I also completed the shawl by adding a little more shading.